masa hari ahad (30th November 08) we all Pelangi Crew got invited to Putri Norizah Album's launch. Here are some of the pictures:~
Congrates Putri, u go girl!!!! =) Guys, I didnt really get to take lots of pics pasal semasa acara atu berlangsung, we~some of the Pelangi Crew berada di *ahem* kawasan yang berlainan. hehe But if u want more stories and pictures of the event, you can go to Aliff's Blogspot....simply click here
Jangan lupa this Sunday (7th Dec 08) at the mall keh. U are all invited to "Launching of CD Rentak Volume III". Mun kamu nada boring kami tu, confirm!!!!...hehe *skrip mengampu aku ah*
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