Hellow kamu.... Since my last post up till now, it has been hmmm... let me see 5 days lah (tolak campur) aku nda blogging. hehe dimana ku nah sepanjang atu?

Yes bebeh, aku balik Belait.... Yiiiiiiiiihaa!!!!!!! *lumpat2 iski macam beruk mak iye* hehe, yesh for those of you who doesnt know, I am a proud Belait~ian. Was born and raised up in the district.
Al-kisahnya sejak dua menjak Ryan masuk Pelangi FM & sambung study at ITB, secara tidak langsung Ryan jadi anak dagang (bukan nya jual anak ah)...hehe Well, practically most of my time has been in Daerah Brunei & Muara for the past 2 and the half years. Yeah, I know its not a big deal, I mean like macam tah jauh dari BSB to Belait atu kan. BUT maklum lah di umur muda2 cemani (muda kah?) with lots of commitments, we dont really spent that much time at home. Kan kan? (kan......)
At the age of 20's onwards, how many of you realise that you dont really get to spend much time with ur family? (Siapa jawab awu angkat keyboard...) =p
Well, dalam kisah si Ryan chipmunk ani I dont really get to spend much time at home, I mean di Belait lah.hehe Kalau ada kesempatan balik ke Belait pun sehari dua saja dalam masa 2-3 bulan, I'm sure those yang dari Belait,Tutong or Temburong have had their own share of such experience. Not to mention Scholarship students.
Dipendekan cerita, after my exam hari atu. Aku dengan yakin dan bijaksana terus saja "membalikkan" diri ku ke Belait. hehe Entah kamu tapi nya udah sampai disana, hati ani rasa iski& rindu semacam saja. Sampai aku pun tepikir~over jua c Ryan ani, macam tah baru first time balik Belait. haha Ironically, that's the first time I have that "balik kampung" vibe. Entah kenapa kah ia... hehe Btw here is a pic of me in KB Town:
Dalam perjalanan ku ke KB Town atu sampat ku menculik 2 member kamceng~
And and, malam atu Ryan sampat jua makan di Gerai Simpur, for those of you who dont know where Gerai Simpur, its somewhere in KB Town lah, sanang saja cari tu.hehe Yang special nya dalam Gerai Simpur ni macam-macam ada... But favourite Ryan mee sup, nasi ayam and banyak g lah (si Ryan mun udahnya makanan bila jua pendek list nya) =p. If kamu ada chance ke Belait, drop by Gerai Simpur and try nasi ayam bakar *mun ku inda silap namanya* at ~Ahad's Burger~ punya gerai. Nyaman yoo.... hehe
Well guys, tujuan post ani bukan plang kan show off yang aku balik kampung *kuweng3x*. Aku tu saja kan kongsi ke"iski"an ku sama kamu. Belait has been and still is a big part of my life-disini lah tempat ku dilahirkan dan dibesarkah *baca dengan intonasi pusi*.
Actually, if kamu observe~ Belait/Tutong/Temburong in a way sama saja macam Daerah Brunei Muara (c Ryan ani tah, mun udah nama nya satu negeri)..hehe The reason I mentioned that is because hairan ku saja why people (some not all lah) keep on asking "cemana tah live kamu tu di Belait ah", "inda kamu boring kah", hehe.... To me its not about where u at, its about what u do and who you're with. How true it is when people say there's no place like home. Nda ja? (ja.....) =)
As usual what I post here is just a piece of my mind, bukan bertujuan menyindir or bias to mana2 pihak k. Jangan mare. After all we're all Bruneians, maju mundur nya pun tetap negara tani jua. Nda ja?... (majal c Ryan ah)..hehe How about u & ur hometown?....
Thanks for reading guys, till my next post... TATATITITUTUTU....
majulah sukan untuk negara *toink*
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