Salam, greetings readers...

Ok, my previous post was on 30th of March. Last time I check the calendar, it's 17th of April. Which means officially, I have been away from the blogging world for more than 2 weeks. Wah, lama itu... Macam mun masak mee segera, bangas dan karing dah tu mee nya ah.. nyehehe =p
So, Apa kabarnya kamu??? How have you guys been??... What you guys have been up to?? Aku? Well, I've been juggling projects since February. So, time has really got the best of me. Mulai dari musim Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan sampai tah last week, having a proper sleep was indeed in my wishlist. hehe But I'm sure you guys are busy yourself, yang masih study atu gerenti caught up with tests, exams & continuous assignments inda ja?? hehe Relax2 ja k. If others can do it, so can you.
As for me, as I've told you 2009 is gonna be all about "risks, growth & change" for me. So I've took and will be taking as many opportunities as I could to improve and grow as a radio dj/presenter and as a person. Akibatnya, exhausted lah jua.hehe Maklum chipmunk ani walaupun kuat semangat tapi kekuatan fizikal tetap terhad. Kan kamu?? hehe so ada lah beberapa ketika "te pancit" lah jua.hehe As usual bukan nya complain, kongsi cerita sama kamu saja. So kalau mau baca silakan, mun inda tutup mata lah keh.... nyehehe =p
Ayways, starting this week baru tah ada some time for me to have proper rest. So what did I do during my "free time". Well, I was just up around and about. Jalan2 mencari calon untuk dijadikan menantu to my parents. *teeetttt, eksyen!!!* hehehe Nadalah, I was just trying to slow things down a little bit, indeed I took some time off from work. Let's just say I took sometime to "recharge" myself. My business tutor said to me once, "YOU ARE MORE THAN JUST YOUR JOB/PROFESSION, YOUR JOB DOESNT DEFINE YOU. So when ever you feel your job "consumes" you and taking most of your life, take a step back. Embrace the other parts of your life, enjoy life while you still can..."
Iatah kisah nya tu kemana saja Ryan dua minggu ani. Di pendek kan cerita, so I'm back now and yes blog and facebook updates are on their way. Sabar menanti keh...hehe Anyways, thanks to you guys who have been supporting me all the way through. *Wahhh, macam ucapan anugerah lah pulak* hehe Indalah, I just feel that I need to say thanks to others. Especially to kamu2 yang menerima kehadiran Ryan seadanya di arena seni tanahair. You have no idea how much you have helped me grow over the years. So THANK YOU. Nonetheless Ryan ani cuma urang biasa kamu.. bukan nya superman, bukannya alien, bukannya hantu yang macam dalam filem Jangan Tegur atu. *toink*
So while trying to improve myself, I will be making mistakes from time to time, for that I apologise in advance. Terima kasih jua atas teguran & kritikan yang dihumban kepadaku. (wah~~ dramaaa....)hehehe Anyways Insyallah you will be seing more of me this year. Once again terima kasih atas sokongan nya...
How about you guys? Whatever you do, promise me never give up in yourself ok. I will always support you guys in pursuing your dreams, in everything you do. Let's keep on supporting each other, let us be more than just a typical Bruneian. So stand out, speak up and live the life you want to live. My life, it's my choice. My responsibility...
Sekian, sampai disini dulu klinik minda bersama Dr Chipmunk..nyehehe
until next post guys, take care & have a good day ya... Tatatititutu..... ^_^

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