Sunday, 11 January 2009


Hehehe.... Hai kamu, adalah tujuan post ini dibuat untuk meminta sorry pada pihak2 berkenaan.

To those of you yang membaca my previous post, I mentioned that "
..tomorrow afternoon I'll be at ICC" & I also mentioned "esuk petang Ryan will be @ RTB Booth in ICC to be the emcee for the event. Ryan disana bermula from 4pm onwards."

So, technically based on the info, Ryan should be at ICC Sunday (11th Jan 09) Afternoon from 4pm onwards. Yang sebenarnya Ryan berada di ICC kemarin dah which is Hari Sabtu Petang (1oth Jan 09). Some of the Info yang Ryan mentioned in my previous post was a mistake. I misread the information. & masa Ryan prepare my previous post atu, it was around 1am WHICH perasan Ryan masih lagi Hari Jumat....

That why I said
tomorrow afternoon whereas it should later this afternoon. hehe... Padan tah last night ada yang tanya start pukul brapa Ryan di ICC this Sunday... huhu.. Sorry bah kamu. Iatah akibatnya lampau banyak temakan samut ni nah. Sifat lali & pelupa semakin menjadi-jadi. *buat mua malu*

Apapun, I would like to say THANK YOU kepada yang sudi datang. Kepada yang manang games & lucky draw tu, TAHNIAH k... Kepada yang alum manang atu, CUBA LAGI HARI ANI. Nyehehe... and kepada yang datang ke ICC hari ani, ALIFF yang akan bersama biskita karang patang i.e AHAD-11TH Jan 09 from 4pm onwards. hehe Insyallah if ada kesempatan ada Ryan menyamak kesana jua. hehe

So once again sorry ah. Banar2 inda Ryan sengaja tu salah info ah. Sebarang kesilapan adalah amat dikesali. eseh~~~ hehe Insyallah I'll meet you guys again in the next Pelangi Project.
Keep on supporting guys. Without you, we are nothing *tarus nyanyi lagu Survive part How Could I Live without you from Lean Rymes* hehe =p

Till my next post,
Salam & Happy Sunday people


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