Salam brothers and sisters... how are you??? ^_^
Hai kamu, just for your info Ryan cuti dari "on air" from now until 26th Jan 09. So untuk sementara ani aman tah telinga kamu ni. Sal suara chipmunk ini tidak akan menganggu kehidupan kamu untuk sementara waktu.ehehe xp
And actually kan gtau jua yang Ryan will be away for a moment starting today. I'm going on a road trip. ( ^^,) Insyallah I'll be back by next week. After the trip there's an event I need to attend. So, agak lambat lah jua blog ani akan di update. So sorry guys. I'll update the blog as soon as I get my blogging time k. *JaNji* ^_^ Nanti Ryan kongsikan gambar & stories about the trip & the event k. I know Sepatutnya Ryan update pasal the my acitivity with RTB new media during the consumer fair at icc last week and a few stuff that happened. I'll do that as soon as I get back okeh.. Buleh lah ah~~~ hehe So kepada yang berkenaan, Sabarlah menanti wahai sayangku... eseh~~~ =p
So guys, till then take good care of yourself & HAVE A NICE DAY...
Dari chipmunk yang semakin "bulat macam donut", ( ^^,)
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