Saturday, 24 January 2009

MC For RTB Booth @ Consumer Fair

As I mentioned, earlier this month Ryan ada involve in the Consumer Fair Part 3. I was offered by RTB New Media to be the MC for RTB Booth along with my Pelangi Brothers Ashraff & Aliff. So here are the pictures: (sorry batah kan upoad... xD)

Banner at the Entrance

Buses which bring people who parked at Indoor Stadium (slamat, nda payah jalan kaki..hehe)

Some of the earlier visitors masa Ryan punya shift...

Antara urang-urang yang mengundi for Anugerah RTB

Me & a crew with two of the kuiz winners for that day

Ryan bersama abg2 & kakak2 from RTB New Media.. hehe

Pose kiut tapi biut dari kami... hehe =p

So guys, ani tah saja gambar2 yang sampat Ryan snap hari tu. My thanks to Ashraff & Aliff yang "angkut" Ryan to the event..hehe Thanks to RTB New Media team for having us and paling penting!!!!! Thanks To YOU yang sudi datang hari tu.... ^_^

Just to give you guys a preview of what's ahead. Pelangi FM will have another project on the Valentine's Day. So stay tune with us ok...

^_^ *PeACe*


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