Salamz readers... Last Thursday, Ryan sampat drop by ITB to visit the CAREER DIALOGUE & EXHIBITION 2009. Kepada kamu yang nda tau or masih alum clear what the event is all about, the CAREER DIALOGUE & EXHIBITION or PAMERAN DAN DIALOG KERJAYA is an annual event organised & hosted by ITB to help our society in finding the right career for them.
Sebelum ani siapa antara you guys yang pernah datang Education Exhibition??? Haaa.... The CAREER DIALOGUE ani is more or less the same. Every year various companies dari Sektor Swasta dan Kerajaan will participate in this event. Yang siok nya kamu tau apa nah??? Bagi urang yang mencari pekerjaan, PAMERAN DAN DIALOG KERJAYA ani sangat membantu pasal dalam pameran ani tani buleh tahu directly about the company yang join, dimana ada kekosongan and cemana cara memohon kraja di company2 yang turut serta atu. Even better some companies even conduct a walk-in-interview to those who are interested. Acara ani adalah sebahagian daripada usaha dari pihak ITB untuk membantu masyarakat kitani.
haa... Pasal apa Ryan banyak tahu mengenai acara ani nah??? hehe Its bcoz every year a group of ITB students epspecially Ahli-Ahli Badan Kebajikan Pelajar (BKP) will be involved in organising the event. Ryan jadi AJK nya bagi acara Tahun lapas aka CAREER DIALOGUE & EXHIBITION 2008. Tahun ani Ryan inda lagi jadi ajk lah sal expired dah..ehehe (Mau2 jua aku ani becerita kan, nada kamu tanya pun...ekeke =p ) So here are the pictures for this year's event:
Antara suasana on that day:
It was a blast that day.... I find the event very informative & helpful. Its not just about finding a job but finding the RIGHT JOB for you. If you guys inda sampat datang last time. No worries, Insyallah there will be another CAREER DIALOGUE & EXHIBITION next year. I'll let you know from time to time k... Anyways, I would like to congrates ITB for organising such a successful event. To the BKPs of 2009 (Fikri & Kate and the geng- job well done guys!!!!). Best of luck for future events k... Keep in touch.... ^_^
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