Oryte, first of all macam biasa minta sorry sal lambat kan update. Bukannya apa kamu, I was just trying to enjoy the holiday while I still can (dalam context ani, "enjoy holiday" includes lesser internet time for the time being) hehe jangan marah bah... Walaupun terlambat sikit update, you guys are still yang terawal aku kongsi kan cerita ku ani... *konfom* ^_^
So lets start with behapa Ryan last week, bleh? *bleh lah ah* hehe eRMm, last week Ryan sampat balik Belait jap to meet up with some of my close friends and tarus buat bday surprise for my best friend. heheh Yesh, SURPRAISE BDAY for my best friend!!! *buat mua kejahatan penuh makna* hehe Well, nama kawan Ryan aka "mangsa" atu is Nisa Halim (Hai nisa!!!). We had steam boat earlier for dinner then baru tah aksi mengajutkan Nisa with the bday cake.hehe But unfortunately I wasnt able to snap pictures masa sessi "mengajutkan" atu (di atas sebab2 tertentu).hehe So without further ado, lets enjoy the pictures kkk...:
Guys, as I mentioned these people are my friends dari Sek.Men. While Nisa ani kawan baik Ryan dari damit lah...hehe She celebrated her bday masa 6th Dec hari tu... and mun kamu kan tahu c Nisa ani tah among my inspiration for creativity and expression.hehe (Nda Ryan dapat puji labih2, kambang ia karang)... Experience her creativity at her blogspot and more pictures of this dinner at her facebook...
I think that's all for now, kan tidor Ryan dulu..hehe *mintak izin undur diri dulu k* next post Ryan kan kongsikan gambar2 Ryan duty with Lydia masa Rentak 2-6 Ahad... Porak-poranda jadinya kamu!!! Apa yang porak poranda?? Wait till the next post, I will update soon k.. *promise*
p/s: to chatters at the chatbox, sorry k alum Ryan tereply... Will do that very soon ayte.. Jangan mare ya.. hehe Have a good day guys, jaga diri... =)
Salam.. *peace yaww*
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