Thursday, 11 June 2009

Wayang @ Ryan's Radio - 17 Again

Watched this movie the other day... It was ok lah. Some parts in the early bits were a bit slow but overall I like this movie. How I wish I have a body like Zac Efron when I was 17. hahahaha *perasan nak mampus si Ryan ani*...

Anyways if you were to asked me is it worth it to watch this movie at the cinema, well let's just put it this way. You know the kind of movie that you would watch randomly as in *hmmm...liat wayang apa baik ah??? hah wayang ani lah*, and those days where you just want some light-easy to understand-sit back & relax kinda movie.... Yaa, That's when 17 Again comes into the picture. So kalau kamu ada rasa kan liat wayang tapi inda tau kan liat wayang apa, then why not give 17 Again a try...

I'm sure the ladies will enjoy the movie because of Zac Efron, as for guys- wouldnt it be nice to be 17 Again? Anywho Enjoy peeps. For local cinemas showtimes, click


Chocoballs said...

aku mau liat movie ani tapi alum keluar di jepun.the last movie ku liat was terminator 4!

Ryan Indra said...

Yeah... Di sini pun sneak preview masih as in one or two shows saja daily... Don't worry, I heard the premiere's gonna be soon... Just hang on for a little more... hehe

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