Salam... Hai kamu....
Sorry ah, slow sikit ni Ryan update this time, coz eventhough Karnival Anugerah RTB baru saja abis, kraja tetap masih banyak menimbun.hehe I'm sure ramai yang busy jua masa ni, maklum saja lah National Day is on the way and lots of people would be involved in the celebration.
The thing is these past few days I've been trying to upload pictures to this blog, but it took more than 10 mins to upload 3 pictures. Connection lagging lah katakan. Imagine the time it would take to upload more the 30 pics, Awu~~~ belangau ku menunggu kamu.hehe Add that with hectic time schedule.. macam arghfh*&%#kyqzce****tempoyakmasin... haha Lets just say a really slow internet connection won't go together with limited time schedule. Pasal atu tah makin tia lagi lambat Ryan kan update nah... Kisah banar ni ah, bukannya rekaan semata-mata. Really I tell you.. hehe (Majal jua c buntal ani)... *buntal ke??* Xp
Anyway guys, just stay tune ok... Banyak yang kan Ryan cerita kan arah kamu, tapi alum ada kesempatan. Insyallah nanti lah k... Btw how's your day so far??? Ryan hari ni belacan sikit lah. Banyak sikit dugaan hari ni, mulai dari Subuh hari dah... Macam-macam aaa-cooobaaan!!! (baca ikut intonasi Filem Pendekar Bujang Lapok keh =p) hehe tapi ok lah jua. Masih jua bernyawa.. nama jua kraja... Kraja mana jua sanang kan. hehe I'm sure you guys have your fair share of a bad day. Tapi apapun hidup mesti Jalan Terus...hehe Lagipun ANAK BRUNEI MESTI TAHAN PUKUL... Nda ja??? ja~~~
Klah kamu, I'm gonna stop here for the moment... Insyallah I'll update you guys as soon as I could k. To chatters in Ryan's Radio chatbox, sorry dari Hujung rambut becabang sampai hujung jari kaki. Alum tah lagi Ryan tereply... Just stay tune k. Thanks for keep on comming by guys....
Taking is the care.... ( ^^,)
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