Salam... Hey guys... How was your weekend???...
Well mine was preety much filled with work.. hehe Sibuk sikit tapi siuk jua lah..hehe Masa hari sabtu kelmarin, Ryan ada screen play for a TV Programme sempena hari Kebangsaan... For those yang kurang maklum apa screen play ani, screen play adalah Flat Screen TV yang besaiz 328inch.. *tteeeeeeetttttt, Eksyen!!!!* hehe xp
Basically screen play ani macam audition lah, its just screen play is audition under "actual situation". The programme that I'm doing ani requires me to talk to people and interview them on the spot dan secara spontan. Memandangkan rakyat Negara Brunei Darussalam ani ramai yang ahem "pemalu", so ada kalanya Ryan paksa main "bubut-bubut" sama durang...hehe So that's what I did hari Sabtu kelmarin at The Mall Gadong. Mun ada antara biskita teliat Ryan lari2 di Mall masa hari Sabtu atu, iatah sebabnya tu...hehe Honestly, nervous jua lah Ryan kan host this programme tapi its a good challenge for me to improve myself as a presenter.hehe... Apa nama programme nya??? Adaler..hehe maybe ada yang dapat guess udah, but I cant say the name of the programme for the moment. Tapi macam biasa, as soon as my producer bagi "green light" to talk about it, I'll tell you guys k.. *janji* ^_^ Apapun thanks pada yang sudi jadi "mangsa" Ryan masa at The Mall atu...hehe
And Sunday, yaaaa ada apa dengan Hari Ahad ku??? Yaaaa... aku menari dan menyanyi bersama anak2 yang jauh lebih kecil dan kiut daripada ku (Kiyut kah???) hehe =p
Hehe.... Ryan ada latihan for Pertandingan Bintang Kecil tadi... huh??? belatih menyanyi??? bukan lah.... Ryan jadi presenter nya lagi for this year..hehe My first time hosting Bintang Kecil was last year and I had fun... ^_^ Tahun ani Alhamdulillah Ryan sekali lagi diberi kepercayaan untuk jadi Presenter untuk Pertandingan Bintang Kecil 2009. Thanks to Hjh Zai the producer..hehe Cana tah jua kamu, aku kan ikut bertanding menyanyi inda kana suruh... nya durang umur ku jauh telajak udah.. So jadi Presenter pun memang amat berbesar hati.. Yang penting dapat meliat Adik-adik kitani menyanyi...hehe (Dasar chipmunk inda sadar diri... =p)
Tadi pagi latihan pertama for Bintang Kecil 2009 Peringkat Separuh Akhir... Next week Ryan recording.. Nanti Ryan inform bila the programme on air k, manatau ada adik2 kamu or cousins yang join.. hehe I'll take more pictures jua nanti k...
So guys, that's preety much my weekend... Busy jua sikitlah tapi siok for me. I get to meet lots of new people dari pelbagai peringkat umur..hehe Kamu plang cana?? behapa sja kamu hujung minggu ni ah?? if ada kan di share sma Ryan feel free to drop your link at the chatbox k.... Until my next post guys... Tatatititutu... *lambai konon2 kiyud* hehe xp
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