Salam all....
Well, since I went back from my KK trip last two weeks, I havent been able to update the blog@Ryan's Radio accordingly right??. hehe Well, part of the reasons were because I had to attend a few functions. First was the Career Dialogue & Exhibition 2009 @ ITB. And event yang satu lagi is very special... Level special nya atu melebihi level tea-c-ping special in my heart. Really I tell you, you know..hehe It was my friend's wedding... Here are the pictures:
The following pictures ani, semuanya gambar *ahem* The Wedding Crasher.. ekeke xp
Keluarga Pengantin Lelaki
Keluarga Pengantin Perempuan
Kawan2 pengantin yang suka minum minuman dalam tin.. ehehe =p
So, these are some the pictures... Kepada Fauzani & Mariani, CONGRATULATION GUYS... Dari time kamu masing2 masih single tani bekawan, sampai ke zaman cintan cintun kamu pastu sampai lah ke jingjang pelamin, akhirnya Selamat kamu di ijap kabulkan.. Alhamdulillah...hehe So SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU, MUDAHAN BAHAGIA SAMPAI KE AKHIR HAYAT. Thank you jua pasal menjemput. Jangan lupa kalau ada doa kesyukuran anak nanti panggil2 lah yee... hehe
To the others, guys more pics of the event will be posted in FaceBook soon k...
*PeACe* ( ^^,)
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